Our Story, Our Mission

Our Story

Growing up in apartments, the experience of making S'mores—a joy many take for granted—was something I could only dream about. The barriers didn't end with just the absence of a fireside; finding halal S'mores or vegan S'mores posed yet another challenge, making this delightful treat seem even more elusive.

This is why we founded Dip N'Moments, fueled by the belief that everyone, no matter where they live or what their dietary needs are, should have the opportunity to enjoy the quintessential experience of making and savoring S'mores. Our mission is to dismantle the barriers that keep people from enjoying this simple pleasure, transforming a seemingly exclusive experience into one that's inclusive, accessible, and joyously shared by all.

Our Mission

At Dip N'Moments, we're more than just a company; we're a movement towards inclusivity, accessibility, and shared joy. We've meticulously crafted halal, gelatin-free, and vegan S'mores kits that ensure no one misses out on the warmth of connection that comes from sharing a S'more. Whether you're surrounded by cityscapes, in the comfort of your home, or anywhere that an open fire isn't feasible, we bring the fireside experience to you.

We're not just selling S'mores; we're creating a community bound by the love of shared experiences, regardless of dietary restrictions or living situations. Our vision is to light up lives, one S'more at a time, ensuring that the simple joy of making S'mores is accessible to everyone, everywhere.

Join Us

Join us on this delicious journey of inclusivity and shared experiences. Together, we can rewrite the narrative around what it means to enjoy life's simplest pleasures.

For those special moments that become cherished memories #dipnmoments